






3、積極態度克服氣侯轉變 的挑戰,優化系統新能源、水、建設用地和別資原的回收利用,一直減輕溫室有機廢氣氣體排放出力度,保證2030年后碳達峰、2060年以前碳與的總體設計目的;



6、兼容和帶動海洋生物各種各樣性標準化管理,合理合法合規應用圣土的流失,從而提高圣土的流失應用錯誤率,保護英文農田,以免 工司運營的對生態圈的破裂;








工廠開設綠色生態資源低能耗老板黨小組,由董事局長和總截任職雙小組長,班子成員由工廠老板班子、各接管做工作單位第1 重由人和茶企總部各個部門門否則人組合,否則全面性老板工廠綠色生態資源文明禮儀項目建設,團體完成壞境保養、環保節能節能降耗有關的做工作。



Environmental Policy Statement

The Company strictly abides by and implements the Environmental Protection Law of the PRC, the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the PRC, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the PRC , the Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the PRC, the Water and Soil Conservation Law of the PRC, the Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Environment Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes, the Law of the PRC on Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental Noise, the Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the PRC, the Energy Conservation Law of the PRC, Measures for the Administration of Permit for Operation of Dangerous Wastes, and other laws and regulations concerning air and greenhouse gas emissions, discharges into water and land and waste generation that have a significant impact on the Company. Concerning the aforementioned laws and regulations, the Company has developed the Environmental Policy Statement of Sinoma International.

The Environmental Policy Statement of Sinoma International, applied across our production operations and business facilities, products and services, distribution and logistics, management of waste, due-diligence, mergers, and acquisitions of the headquarters and all the subsidiaries of the Company, as well as to the commercial activities of the Company and all the subsidiaries with suppliers, contractors, affiliated companies, and other business partners, is to make a statement regarding the following actions we will take:

1. Comply with or exceed all applicable environmental legislation and continually implement and improve our environmental management systems, always striving to meet or exceed industry best practice standards;

2. Reduce the emissions of atmospheric pollutants, water pollutants, harmful waste, and harmless waste, improve resource utilization efficiency, and reduce the negative impact of our production and operation on the environment;

3. Address proactively the challenges of climate change, optimise our use of energy, water, land and other resources, continuously reduce the intensity of GHG emissions, so as to achieve the overall target of “carbon peaking before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060”;

4. Promote sustainable product and process innovation and new business opportunities;

5. Develop environmental targets related to energy conservation, emission reduction,  and resource utilization, and continuously improve our environmental performance accordingly;

6. Support and enhance biodiversity management, ensuring legal and compliant use of land, improve land use efficiency, protect arable land, and avoid ecological damage caused by the Company’s operations;

7. Conduct online or offline environmental compliance audits of the Company's operating units annually, and ensure that the compliance audits covers all operating locations;

8. Committed to enhancing environmental awareness among internal and external stakeholders. For employees, we provide various types of training to help them understand the impact of their work on the environment, as well as their environmental responsibilities and obligations; for other stakeholders, we maintain open communication and ensure that our partners such as contractors and suppliers are aware of and adhere to their environmental responsibilities through various stakeholder participation and communication channels; for communities, by maintaining positive relationships with stakeholders, we are committed to bringing positive environmental impacts to the communities where the Company operates.

Roles and Responsibilities

In order to ensure the implementation of the Policy, the Company has established the responsibility structure of environmental management.

1. Governance level

The Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for establishing and improving the Company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) management system. The Strategy, Investment, and ESG Committee is responsible for evaluating the Company's environmental management work, as well as the risks and opportunities it faces, developing, reviewing the company's environmental management vision, goals, and strategies, and reporting major issues to the Board of Directors.

2. Management level

The chairman and the president jointly assume the leadership responsibility of environmental protection, while the vice president in charge of environmental protection implements the overall environmental protection leadership, while other management staff are responsible for the environmental protection within their respective areas of responsibility. As the first person responsible for the environmental protection work of the department, the person in charge of each department leads the employees of the department to actively implement the contents of the Policy.

3. Employees

All employees of the Company and the subsidiaries of Sinoma International must read and understand their obligations under this Policy and notify their manager of potential or actual violations of environmental permits, regulations or policies.

(The English translation of the Policy Statement is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and English translation thereof)












5、控制公示有效的溝通,采用實物安全管理衛生衛生的工作體系、采買勞務協議中的的工作良好安全管理衛生衛生免責條款規范每個的工作人員和承包制商商采用標準以安全管理衛生衛生的的方式的工作,保證 為的工作人員和承包制商商給出合適的的環境資源、培順和遠程監控,還接收的工作人員或的工作人員帶表的一件調查問卷,以提升 意思并可以減少良好安全管理衛生衛生事件處理;




Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement

The Company strictly abides by and implements the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Pneumoconiosis, the Regulations on Labor Protection in Workplaces Where Toxic Substances Are Used, the Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Occupational Health at Work Sites, and the Measures for Supervision and Management of Occupational Health Surveillance of Employers, and other laws and regulations concerning occupational health and safety that have a significant impact on the Company. Concerning the aforementioned laws and regulations, the Company has developed the Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement of Sinoma International.

The Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement of Sinoma International, applied across our production operations and employees, also applied as a basic requirement for the Company and all the subsidiaries to suppliers and contractors,  is to make a statement regarding the following actions we will take:

The occupational health and safety policy statement of our company is applicable to the production and operation of our headquarters and affiliated enterprises, as well as all employees. It also serves and aims to make a statement on the following actions we will take:

1. Comply, at a minimum, with all applicable health and safety legislation by continuously improving and optimizing the occupational health and safety management system, developing a culture of health and safety excellence, continuously striving to meet or exceed industry best practice standards;

2. Develop priorities and action plans for occupational health and safety matters, and establish quantitative targets for improving occupational health and safety performance indicators in accordance with the plan, and regularly evaluate the achievement of the targets;

3. Regularly conduct occupational health and safety risk and hazard assessments to identify factors that may cause harm in the workplace, and develop corresponding emergency preparedness and response action plans;

4. Conduct online or offline occupational health and safety audits of the Company's operating units annually, and ensure that the compliance audits covers all operating locations;

5. Maintain open communication, requiring all employees and contractors to work in a safe manner in accordance according to regulations through internal safety production systems and occupational health and safety clauses in procurement contracts, ensuring that appropriate resources, training, and supervision are provided to employees and contractors, and receiving feedback from employees or employee representatives to raise awareness and reduce health and safety incidents;

6. Ensure that our companies provide a healthy and safe workplace for all employees and contractors and take due care of stakeholders such as customers, visitors and communities at all our locations, to ensure that they are not exposed to health and safety hazards due to the Company's production and operation;

7. Develop investigation procedures for work-related injuries, occupational health issues, and accidents, clarify the basic principles of problem handling, division of responsibilities, investigation and handling processes, and accountability mechanisms for incident penalties;

8. Ensure that production safety responsibility letters are signed at all levels and link the performance of production safety with the rewards and punishments of leaders at all levels, so as to ensure that responsibilities are assigned to people and measures are in place.

(The English translation of the Policy Statement is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and English translation thereof)







公司的嚴厲不準行賄方式,不準許什么職工行賄、索賄或接賄,以及向玩家、提供商、行政立法和/或行政執法公司或其他與公司業務范圍相應的的員了解項目或展示 很多的共同商業優勢;或充當著關鍵的三是方媒介以展示 、了解項目或介紹很多的共同商業優勢。很多的人,而是有沒能夠上一級領導層同意,利于職權范圍了解項目或介紹很多的手段的共同商業優勢,均觸犯本總則。

1.1打造優勢:在隨便原因下,職工都不恰向隨便我們或組織 打造好處費或不正規優勢,以謀利我們私利或我司優勢。












2.1.6向司的相互競爭隊友展示 幫忙;





2.2.2如職員暫未謹遵這些符合要求,可造成 嚴格要求的組織紀律性行政處分,具有降職、辭退等。



3.2在職在職員工應尊守一切關于 內控刷卡買賣交易的民事法律法律法規。一些在職在職員工進入內控刷卡買賣交易,就可以依照司關于 管理辦法應當處罰決定,乃至于開除孕婦。一并,司也將向關于 市場監管企事業單位匿名舉報。






















本公司決定同我的批發商商一視同仁合作,在市場爭奪性的評估報告工作中實施一視同仁市場爭奪以決定批發商商,對批發商商不可任何的岐視或隱瞞市場平均市場價,批發商商的采取應利用批發商商展示 的市場價、服務的、高質量和信用,仍舊堅持公賬司的長期性的商業圈快速發展有好處的基本準則來實施。業務人員在凈化處理與批發商商的的關系時,應仍舊持續算滿意性,允許試著產生影響到以榮獲對某一個某一批發商商的“獨特對付”,這樣的會危及各位的激烈性選撥子程序。企業營業員不可以從現貨制造商和的目標現貨制造商進行或索求我們效益,嚴防危害對現貨制造商護膚品和標價定監測的房屋公證性。企業營業員也要對現貨制造商或自身現貨制造商在線提交給公司的標價定或護膚品內容單純秘蜜。選購合同要達到有效的報備,另外確切所帶來的提供服務質量和護膚品、付帳的算出結合和采用的標價定與花銷。付帳大額都要與所帶來的提供服務質量或護膚品相適合。









Anti Corruption Policy

Sinoma International is committed to eradicating corruption in all aspects of the Company's value chain, continuously enhancing anti-corruption awareness among employees at all levels and suppliers, ensure that they conduct themselves in accordance with professional ethics, and fulfill their responsibilities with a fair and upright attitude.

This standard applies to all employees of the Company and all affiliated companies, including full-time, part-time, outsourced employees, as well as stakeholders who have business dealings with the Company and all affiliated companies.

(The English translation of the Policy is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and English translation thereof)

1 Bribery, communication and benefits

Bribery is strictly prohibited by the Company, and no employee is allowed to offer, solicit or accept bribes, including soliciting or providing any benefits from or to customers, suppliers, legislative and/or law enforcement agencies or other personnel related to the Company’s business; or act as a third-party intermediary to provide, solicit or accept any benefits. Anyone who solicits or accepts benefits in any form by taking advantage of his authority, regardless of getting permission from superior leaders, shall be deemed as violation of the Code.

1.1 Providing benefits: under no circumstances should employees offer bribes or illegitimate benefits to any individual or institution to seek personal gains or Company benefits.

1.2 Soliciting benefits: employees shall not directly, indirectly or in any form, solicit any benefits from any institution or individual related to the Company’s business.

1.3 Accepting benefits: if an employee accepts any benefits directly or indirectly related to the Company’s business, which hinders his objective judgment and processing of related business, induces him to violate or harm the interests of the Company, leads to violation of laws and regulations and requirements of the place of listing, triggers complaints about favoritism or misconduct, and/or makes the employee feel that is is necessary to repay the giver in business, the employee shall not accept the benefits.

1.4 All acts related to facilitation payment are prohibited.

2 Handling conflicts of interest

2.1 Definition of conflict of interest

The common conflicts of interest include but are not limited to the following situations:

2.1.1 Have undeclared financial interests/transactions with any suppliers, service providers or related personnel that have business dealings with the Company;

2.1.2 Hire service providers who are working or have worked for the Company to work or provide services, goods, etc. for themselves and/or their immediate family members;

2.1.3 Provide special preferential treatment to individual suppliers, service providers, customers, job seekers, subordinates or superior leaders, etc. for personal reasons;

2.1.4 Employees or their immediate family members (including parents, children and spouses) are getting engaged in or consider engaging in the things, investment or activities that have a conflict of interest with the Company or may cause a conflict of interest;

2.1.5 Carry out external work within the Company by taking advantage of the working hours and the Company’s assets (including human resources).

2.1.6 Provide assistance to the Company’s competitors; and

2.1.7 Privately provide or manufacture services or goods that compete with the Company.

2.2 Declaration of conflict of interest

The employees shall avoid actual or foreseeable conflicts of interest between individuals and the Company or that affect their judgment in performing their duties. The employees shall report all actual or foreseeable conflicts of interest in a timely manner.

2.2.1 If the employees realize that there is or may have a conflict of interest with the Company, they must immediately report to their department heads in writing.

2.2.2 If the employees fail to comply with the above requirements, severe disciplinary punishment may be caused, including demotion, dismissal, etc.

3 Insider trading

3.1 If employees have any important information about the Company or any other listed companies with which the Company does business and/or non-public data sensitive to stock prices, the employees shall not buy or sell the securities of the Company or these listed companies, or disclose relevant information to others before such data is made public.

3.2 The employees shall abide by all laws and regulations regarding insider trading. Any employee involved in insider trading will be punished according to relevant rules of the Company, or even dismissed. Meanwhile, the Company will also report to relevant law enforcement agencies.

4 Preventing Money Laundering

Money laundering is using otherwise lawful business transactions as a way to hide the source of money that has been obtained illegally. Money laundering typically involves payments in the form of cash or money order. Suspicious activity includes: large cash transactions as well as customers who are reluctant to provide verifiable information.

We are committed to complying with applicable anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing laws and regulations. We do not condone, facilitate, or support money laundering or terrorist financing.

All the employees should:

4.1 Watch out for irregularities in the way payments are made.

4.2 If you have concerns about a payment, request an alternative form be used and report the concern to your manager.

4.3 If the transaction seems suspicious, report it to Legal and Compliance, even if you do not move forward with the transaction.

4.4 Determine if your business has specific preventative measures in place.

5 Competing Fairly

In a free market system, competition drives efficiency and innovation, and companies compete on a level playing field. Violations of laws that protect competition can lead to penalties that include large fines, jail time, damaged reputation and exclusion from government contracts. Fair competition is in everyone’s best interest. We are committed to complying with competition/antitrust laws wherever we operate.

All the employees should:

5.1 When interacting with competitors always refer to the Code.

5.2 Seek guidance from Legal and Compliance, whenever a competition/antitrust law question arises.

5.3 Compete vigorously, using public information and competitive circumstances to your best advantage.

5.4 Remember that compliance is always in the Company’s best interest. No one is ever authorized to violate the law.

5.5 Do not discuss with a competitor any terms on which you compete, prices, or allocations of jobs, customers, or markets.

5.6 Do not discuss with a competitor whether or not you intend to submit a bid or quote for any particular project or customer.

5.7 Do not talk to anyone about boycotting or refusing to deal with a supplier or customer.

5.8 Do not take any action just to hurt or retaliate against a competitor.

6 Illegal and Improper Payments

The Company and all employees are not allowed to use property or other means to bribe and sell goods. Those who secretly give kickbacks to the other party's company or individual outside of the account shall be punished as bribery. When selling services and goods, if discounts are required to be given to the other party, including but not limited to commissions, physical items, etc. to intermediaries, they must be explicitly given to the other party, and possible supporting documents must be provided, and the finance department must be notified to truthfully enter the account.

7 Business partners, suppliers, and customers

7.1 Access to goods and services

The Company guarantees fair trade with our suppliers, fair competition in the competitive evaluation process to determine suppliers, without any discrimination or deception. The selection of suppliers should be based on the prices, services, quality, and reputation provided by the suppliers, and in accordance with the principle of being beneficial to the long-term business development of the company. When dealing with suppliers, employees should always maintain fairness and should not attempt to exert influence to obtain "special treatment" for a specific supplier, as this can jeopardize our competitive selection process. Employees cannot accept or demand personal benefits from suppliers and target suppliers to prevent damaging the fairness of supplier product and price evaluation. Employees should also keep confidential the pricing or product information submitted by suppliers or potential suppliers to the Company. The procurement agreement should be appropriately approved and clearly define the services and products provided, the calculation basis for payment, and the applicable prices and fees. The payment amount must match the service or product provided.

7.2 Items, discount, and gifts

For items, discount and gifts provided by suppliers during the procurement negotiation process, they should be reflected in the procurement contract in principle. For situations where there is no contract or cannot be reflected in the contract, the gift should also be considered as an asset of the Company, rather than a personal gift for employees participating in negotiations.

7.3 Interactions with potential customers and clients

The Company is committed to meeting all customer needs, ensuring customer satisfaction, and maintaining long-term partnerships with customers. Employees shall not intentionally make false statements to customers regarding the products or services of the Company or competitors. All comparisons with competitors must be accurate, based on publicly available information and not misleading. Employees are not allowed to sign sub agreements or private agreements with clients outside of written contracts. Employees shall not directly or indirectly provide money or any other form of bribery to government officials in order to obtain or retain customers.

8 Donations

Donations, patronage, and sponsorship may be used to conceal an undue advantage. They may constitute, or be seen to constitute, acts of direct or indirect corruption regardless of their monetary value. This risk is greater when public officials have a direct or indirect connection to the event or activity benefitting from the donation, patronage, or sponsorship. All contributions, whether they are made in the context of patronage, donations, or sponsorship, must go through an approval process which becomes more rigorous as the value of the contribution increases. Close attention must be paid to what the financing or donations are used for, especially when the potential beneficiary of patronage, donation, or sponsorship is or has ties to a public official, public authority, a Politically Exposed Person (PEP), or has ties to one of our customers.

9 Requirements for suppliers

The Company implements a "fair, open, and just" sunshine procurement model, by strictly implementing the bidding process, expanding the scope of price seeking, and continuously improving procurement transparency. All departments and affiliated companies of the Company should send integrity notification letters or sign integrity commitment letters and integrity contracts to relevant parties when signing contracts with suppliers, including clauses prohibiting cooperation from providing various benefits and conveniences to the Company staff, their relatives, and specific related parties. At the same time, as a one vote veto system, clean and honest employment will prevent suppliers from participating in bidding and will be blacklisted in case of any violations. For the requirements of suppliers in anti-corruption, please refer to the Company's Supplier Code of Conduct.






他人道德至上及誠信友善,是子集團獲得成就 的著力點。自己應解決牽扯什么的可致使的影響委托公證凈化處理或被當做會存在商業效益發生沖突的現象。全面禁止什么的人借助崗位謀取更多有錯商業效益。子集團是不會寬容盲目用或騙取子集團債務。所以與子集團國際業務、企業客戶、生產商及工作人員有關于材質均須脫密并服務保障穩私





1.1.3得到利于:要是機構員工得到一些可以或外源性與機構銷售關于 的利于,會影響其直接分辨與清理相應銷售,誘使其觸范或受到損害機構利于、使得違反發律法規標準和推出地條件,誘發偏袒或失當動作的投述,和/或使普通工人感到痛苦有要在保險業務上向恩賜人得出付出的,則普通工人不了確認該權利




普通的合法權益摩擦原因例如但不受到限制以下的原因:跟其他與工司有業務范圍來往的出售商、服務于商或光于人員管理存有未申辦的出納決策權/寄售;選擇正為或曾為集團辦公的產品的商為其持卡人和/或直系親友辦公或提拱產品的、產品等;因私家目的,向單個生產商、服務的商、顧客、職場者、成員或上級部門等給出專項 優待;普通員工或其直系直系親屬(具有家屬、親生子女和婚生子女)目前在轉行或了解轉行與單位影響益互相相沖突或能夠會導致切身利益互相相沖突的事情、投入資金或活動內容;在總部領域內,根據工作的任務日期、總部股權(涵蓋人產品),通過外工作的任務;向集團的爭奪敵方供應幫助到;私下里可以提供或制造廠與工司來源于競爭與合作的服務或淘寶商品。


集團財務人員應以免具體的或可保守估計的小編與集團合法權益發生矛盾,或關系其在明確職別時的診斷。對其他具體或可保守估計的合法權益發生矛盾,集團財務人員應須立即企業申報。如員工辭職認知到產生或也許 產生與子公司的合法權益產生矛盾,一定馬上會以以書面形勢形勢向其崗位負責人屬實網上申報。如職員沒能應遵照大于規定,可使得嚴苛的規則處理,例如降職、辭退等。








1.4.2若是 好款有煩惱,是需要向您的帶領帶領總結。
















1.6.3企業電子郵件用做企業處理處理為的。營業員應通過部委法律專業規范的規則及世界 師德與良俗,恰當得體地用該精準服務。營業員不得推送兼具誹謗罪、干擾、色惰、排擠、淫褻、丟掉了的身份、調戲、欺詐性、挑唆或另外的毀謗性的電郵。










各位尊敬 營業員穩私。營業員的自己材料是被保護英文并絲毫商業秘密。各位會以免處理不用說要的自己材料。一同,在處理及用營業員自己參數時,各位亦會準守自己材料(穩私)的相應法律規定。
























子工司起碼每五年或跟據必須要 查看基本原則文章能否支持或必須要 更新換代,并跟據實際的時候對基本原則實施審訂、不斷改進和上升,并且在子工司內網或官網向公司職員正式發布。

Code of Business Conduct

To strengthen employees’ awareness of various codes of conduct, the Company has specially compiled the Code of Conduct of Sinoma International (hereinafter referred to as the “Code”), to allow the employees to raise their awareness in performing their duties, act in line with professional ethics, and perform duties in a fair and honest manner in the face of contradictions or conflicts with corporate interests.

This policy applies  to all employees of the Company and all its subsidiaries, including full-time, part-time, and outsourced employees.

(The English translation of the Code is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and English translation thereof

1. Ethics and Integrity

Personal ethics and integrity are the cornerstones of the Company’s success. We should avoid any situation that affects justice or is considered a conflict of interest. No one is allowed to seek illegal profits by taking advantage of his position. Misuse or misappropriation of the Company’s assets is prohibited. All information related to the Company’s business, customers, suppliers and employees must be kept confidential and secret.

1.1 Bribery, communication and benefits

Bribery is strictly prohibited by the Company, and no employee is allowed to offer, solicit or accept bribes, including soliciting or providing any benefits from or to customers, suppliers, legislative and/or law enforcement agencies or other personnel related to the Company’s business; or act as a third-party intermediary to provide, solicit or accept any benefits. Anyone who solicits or accepts benefits in any form by taking advantage of his authority, regardless of getting permission from superior leaders, shall be deemed as violation of the Code.

1.1.1 Providing benefits: under no circumstances should employees offer bribes or illegitimate benefits to any individual or institution to seek personal gains or Company benefits.

1.1.2 Soliciting benefits: employees shall not directly, indirectly or in any form, solicit any benefits from any institution or individual related to the Company’s business.

1.1.3 Accepting benefits: if an employee accepts any benefits directly or indirectly related to the Company’s business, which hinders his objective judgment and processing of related business, induces him to violate or harm the interests of the Company, leads to violation of laws and regulations and requirements of the place of listing, triggers complaints about favoritism or misconduct, and/or makes the employee feel that is is necessary to repay the giver in business, the employee shall not accept the benefits.

1.1.4 All acts related to facilitation payment are prohibited.

1.2 Handling conflicts of interest

1.2.1 Definition of conflict of interest

The common conflicts of interest include but are not limited to the following situations: Have undeclared financial interests/transactions with any suppliers, service providers or related personnel that have business dealings with the Company; Hire service providers who are working or have worked for the Company to work or provide services, goods, etc. for themselves and/or their immediate family members; Provide special preferential treatment to individual suppliers, service providers, customers, job seekers, subordinates or superior leaders, etc. for personal reasons; Employees or their immediate family members (including parents, children and spouses) are getting engaged in or consider engaging in the things, investment or activities that have a conflict of interest with the Company or may cause a conflict of interest; Carry out external work within the Company by taking advantage of the working hours and the Company’s assets (including human resources). Provide assistance to the Company’s competitors; and Privately provide or manufacture services or goods that compete with the Company.

1.2.2 Declaration of conflict of interest

The employees shall avoid actual or foreseeable conflicts of interest between individuals and the Company or that affect their judgment in performing their duties. The employees shall report all actual or foreseeable conflicts of interest in a timely manner. If the employees realize that there is or may have a conflict of interest with the Company, they must immediately report to their department heads in writing. If the employees fail to comply with the above requirements, severe disciplinary punishment may be caused, including demotion, dismissal, etc.

1.3 Insider trading

1.3.1 If employees have any important information about the Company or any other listed companies with which the Company does business and/or non-public data sensitive to stock prices, the employees shall not buy or sell the securities of the Company or these listed companies, or disclose relevant information to others before such data is made public.

1.3.2 The employees shall abide by all laws and regulations regarding insider trading. Any employee involved in insider trading will be punished according to relevant rules of the Company, or even dismissed. Meanwhile, the Company will also report to relevant law enforcement agencies.

1.4 Preventing Money Laundering

Money laundering is using otherwise lawful business transactions as a way to hide the source of money that has been obtained illegally. Money laundering typically involves payments in the form of cash or money order. Suspicious activity includes: large cash transactions as well as customers who are reluctant to provide verifiable information.

We are committed to complying with applicable anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing laws and regulations. We do not condone, facilitate, or support money laundering or terrorist financing.

All the employees should:

1.4.1 Watch out for irregularities in the way payments are made.

1.4.2 If you have concerns about a payment, request an alternative form be used and report the concern to your manager.

1.4.3 If the transaction seems suspicious, report it to Legal and Compliance, even if you do not move forward with the transaction.

1.4.4 Determine if your business has specific preventative measures in place.

1.5 Competing Fairly

In a free market system, competition drives efficiency and innovation, and companies compete on a level playing field. Violations of laws that protect competition can lead to penalties that include large fines, jail time, damaged reputation and exclusion from government contracts. Fair competition is in everyone’s best interest. We are committed to complying with competition/antitrust laws wherever we operate.

All the employees should:

1.5.1 When interacting with competitors always refer to the Code.

1.5.2 Seek guidance from Legal and Compliance, whenever a competition/antitrust law question arises.

1.5.3 Compete vigorously, using public information and competitive circumstances to your best advantage.

1.5.4 Remember that compliance is always in the Company’s best interest. No one is ever authorized to violate the law.

1.5.5 Do not discuss with a competitor any terms on which you compete, prices, or allocations of jobs, customers, or markets.

1.5.6 Do not discuss with a competitor whether or not you intend to submit a bid or quote for any particular project or customer.

1.5.7 Do not talk to anyone about boycotting or refusing to deal with a supplier or customer.

1.5.8 Do not take any action just to hurt or retaliate against a competitor.

1.6 Use of IT facilities and services

1.6.1 IT facilities and services of the Company are available for the employees to use when performing their duties. The Company has formulated information security policies, as well as series of rules and regulations to guarantee information security and integrity. The employees shall follow these policies, rules and regulations when using IT facilities and services.

1.6.2 The IT Department will monitor the use of these facilities and services without infringing on the privacy of employees to ensure that employees comply with the rules and regulations on IT, and the violators will be punished.

1.6.3 Emails of the Company are used for Company management purposes. The employees shall use the service appropriately according to the national laws and regulations, as well as social ethics and good customs. The employees shall not send emails that are defamatory, harassing, pornographic, discriminatory, obscene, derogatory, teasing, fraudulent, inciting, or other offensive emails.

1.6.4 The employees shall use the Internet facilities provided by the Company in a lawful, appropriate and ethical manner. The employees shall use these facilities properly according to the national laws and regulations, as well as social ethics and good customs, and shall not participate in online games, download offensive or obscene materials, illegal software, free software from the Internet or share software, or use the facilities to operate or support the businesses that are not related to or approved by the Company for profit.

1.7 Confidential/sensitive data

1.7.1 Unless required by laws and regulations, employees shall not disclose any confidential and/or sensitive data of the Company to anyone outside normal business of the Company without the approval of their superior heads at any time.

1.7.2 Such information and data includes all data related to the operation of the Company, which are transmitted and/or saved in electronic form and/or in other forms like written, fax or oral, etc., including bidding information, contract price, investment strategy, business strategy and plans, financial forecast, employee and customer information, rules and regulations, patent applications, customer database, research and technical data, etc.

1.7.3 Data related to and provided by external personnel that the Company has or will do business with, such as customers, service providers, suppliers, partners or any other personnel, etc., are included.

1.7.4 All employees authorized to access or manage any data of the Company must take adequate protection measures for relevant data to prevent accidental public disclosure, abuse or misuse of any relevant data. Examples of improper use of data include disclosure of data in exchange for money or other rewards, use of data for private gain or purpose, disclosure of data to harm the interests of the Company, or for any other purposes that endanger or damage the interests and reputation of the Company or its employees.

2. Protection of Employees’ rights

Employees are our most valuable asset. We are concerned about their welfare, respect their personal traits and build mutual trust. Caring for each other is not only helpful to personal and professional development of the employees, but also helpful to the growth of the Company and its profitability.

2.1 Employee privacy

We respect the privacy of employees. The personal information of employees is protected and kept strictly confidential. We will avoid collecting unnecessary personal information. Meanwhile, we will also comply with relevant regulations on personal information (privacy) when collecting and using the personal information of employees.

2.2 Equal opportunities

The Company actively advocates equal opportunities and prohibits all kinds of discrimination, and provides equal opportunities for employee recruitment, training, promotion, transfer, salary, benefits, termination of contract, etc. These opportunities are not affected by such factors as age, gender, pregnancy, physical health or mental status, marital status, family status, race, skin color, nationality, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, etc. In addition, we will praise and reward employees based on their contributions, performance and technical ability. We provide salary and training opportunities to all employees by taking their position, personal ability and performance as the objective criteria. In addition, we will not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment, defamation and acts against others (discrimination that causes harm to others) in the workplace.

2.3 Health and safety

We comply with all relevant occupational health and safety regulations, formulate occupational health and safety policies that cover all full-time, part-time, outsourced, and contractor employees of the Company, and are committed to providing employees with a safe and healthy working environment, comprehensively ensuring their health and safety. The Company's Safety and Environmental Protection Department has formulated safety production related rules and regulations, and all employees have corresponding responsibilities and obligations to protect their own and all relevant personnel's occupational health and safety.

3 Protection of Environment

Working to meet high environmental standards, actively addressing climate change and continuously improving processes all promote environmental sustainability. Our Environmental Policy demonstrates our commitment to implementing best practices concerning environmental issues and outlines improvements we are making across our organization. It covers environmental compliance, communications, climate change, emission reduction, resource use, recycling and biodiversity.

All the employees should:

3.1 Comply with environmental laws and regulations applicable to your work.

3.2 Participate in relevant training programmes.

3.3 REPORT any concerns of non-compliance with environmental laws or regulations.

3.4 Read the Environmental Policy.

4 Follow the code of conduct

All employees shall have the responsibility to understand and abide by this code of conduct, and are also obliged to report violations of the Code according to the procedures. Anyone who violates the Code will be subject to disciplinary punishment.

4.1 Training and implementation of the Code

The head of each unit shall guide his subordinates to understand and apply the principles and requirements of this Code. To ensure that employees comply with and implement this Code, they shall be trained on this Code at the time of entry. If employees have problems with the implementation, or has any opinions or suggestions, they shall communicate them to relevant departments for follow-up action.

4.2 Reporting and investigation of violations of the Code

The Company expects and encourages employees and those who do business with the Company (for example, customers, suppliers, creditors and debtors) to report to the Company any misconduct that may occur with respect to financial reporting, internal monitoring or other matters, any actual or suspected breach of the Code, and any improper or illegal conduct associated with the Company.

4.2.1 Reporting If any actual or suspected violation of the code of conduct is found, including fraud and illegal conduct, it is important to submit a written or oral report to the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department of the Company, and provide relevant information. Reporting hotline: 010-64399331; E-mail: jubao@gongo.com.cn; Address: Sinoma International Engineering Co., Ltd, Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office; Postcode: 100102. Each reporting will be kept confidential. Without the consent of the whistle-blower, his identity shall not be disclosed, unless required by applicable laws and regulations, or required by any order or instructions of the court that has jurisdiction over the Company. Please refer to the Working Rules for Disciplinary Inspection and Supervisory Organs in Handling Complaints and Accusations. We will do our best to protect the whistleblower and the information received. If the reporting employee provides real reasons and exact information, the employee shall not be discriminated or retaliated or harmed even if the reporting is finally turned out to be incorrect or unfounded. Harassment, discrimination, retaliation and harm to the whistleblower will be regarded as serious misconduct, which may lead to dismissal if confirmed. Please refer to the Working Rules of the CPC Discipline Inspection Organ on Supervision and Discipline Enforcement. However, if the whistleblower makes false reports maliciously because of ulterior motives or for personal gain, the Company shall reserve the right to take appropriate actions against relevant persons including the whistleblower; internal employees will be subject to disciplinary punishment according to relevant regulations of the Company. Please refer to the Working Rules for Disciplinary Inspection and Supervisory Organs in Handling Complaints and Accusations.

4.2.2 Investigation The investigation team will conduct fair and effective investigation to any report received. The investigation is designed to assess whether the reported matter actually violates the internal rules and regulations and/or codes of conduct. The investigation team shall issue an investigation report based on the facts verified after completing necessary procedures. During investigation, the employee under investigation may be suspended from his/her job.

4.3 Penalties for violation of the code of conduct

4.3.1 We will not tolerate any violation of the code of conduct. Any employee who is found to directly or indirectly violate the Code will be subject to disciplinary punishment, including dismissal.

4.3.2 In the case of suspected corruption or other forms

of illegal behaviors that are detrimental to the Company, it will be submitted to the judicial organs for processing after approval by the Company.

4.4 Revision and update of the Code

At least every three years or as needed, the Company checks whether the content of the guidelines is applicable or needs to be updated, and revises, improves, and enhances the guidelines based on actual situations, while publishing them to employees on the company's internal or official website.
























Policy Statement of Human Rights

Sinoma International clearly recognizes that human rights issues are crucial for stakeholders such as our employees, customers, suppliers, communities where we operate, and civil society groups. The Company strictly abides by and implements the domestic laws and regulations such as Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests, Employment Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China, Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Minors, Trade Union Law of the People’s Republic of China, Provisions on the Prohibition of Using Child Labor, Special Provisions on Labor Protection of Female Employees, and laws and regulations concerning human rights issues of our overseas operation sites. In addition, the Company implements UN conventions and declarations such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Declaration on the Protection of Human Rights, the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, Employment Policy Convention, Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value. Concerning the aforementioned laws and regulations, the Company has developed the Policy Statement of Human Rights aimed at defining the commitments and responsibilities of the Company and its affiliated companies, suppliers, and other partners regarding human rights issues.

1. Prohibition of forced or compulsory labor

The Company prohibits the exploitation of labor benefits and the forcing of employees to work under punishment and threats. All employees hired by the Company must be on a voluntary basis, and no coercive behavior is allowed. We will not use deception to lure employees to work. At the same time, the Company is not allowed to collect deposits or seize their ID cards and other legal proof documents to forcibly use labor against the wishes of employees.

2. Prohibition of using child labor

The Company promises to prohibit the use of child labor at all stages of service provision.

“Child labor” refers to the persons who are under the age of 16, or under the age of completing compulsory education, or the persons who are employed under the minimum employment age specified by the state (child labor if meeting any of these criteria). All employees under the age of 18 shall not engage in the work that is likely to endanger the health or safety of the minors. For overseas employment, the definition of child labor is based on the laws of each project country.

3. Respect employment diversity and oppose discrimination

The Company promises to provide fair and reasonable job opportunities. When making decisions on employment, compensation, training, promotion, demotion, or retirement, decisions are made based on individual work abilities and needs, rather than factors such as race, nationality, religion, disability, social class, sexual orientation, union membership, and government relations. The Company advocates for a diverse and inclusive workforce and work environment. Senior management is responsible for the diversity of our employees and regularly provides training on diversity, inclusive work environment, and anti-discrimination to all employees.

The Company holds a "zero tolerance" attitude towards discrimination and promises that employees will not be subjected to illegal discrimination. We will not force employees or potential employees to undergo discriminatory medical examinations, and allow employees or other parties to report violations through the reporting email hresg@gongo.com.cn. Personnel who violate relevant regulations will be subject to internal punishment by the Company, and the involved units may be ordered to make corrections (and may also be fined) by the Labor and Social Security Administrative Department, and an explanation of the rectification plan should be provided, and if damage is caused to the parties, they shall bear the liability for compensation.

4. Freedom of association

Open and direct communication between employees and management is one of the effective ways to address workplace and salary issues. The Company is committed to respecting the rights of employees in accordance with the law, including freedom of association, participation or non-participation in trade unions, seeking representation, and participating in employee representative conferences. Employees should be able to openly communicate with management on work conditions and management issues without worrying about retaliation, threats, or harassment.

5. Fair and favorable working conditions

The Company focuses on the physical and mental health of employees, ensures standardized management of pollutants and waste in the workplace, implements a strict safety production management system, creates safe, civilized, and harmonious working and living conditions and cultural environment for employees, and ensures their occupational health and safety.

The Company implements a five-day working system, with employees working 8 hours a day. The Company clearly stipulates the working hours of employees, as well as the annual leave and various leave hours they have, to safeguard their right to rest and take leave.

The Company is committed to respecting the personality and dignity of employees and strictly prohibits insults, corporal punishment, beatings, illegal searches, and detention of employees. All departments shall not punish any employees physically or mentally for their mistakes in work, which will cause psychological stress. At the same time, the Company maintains a "zero tolerance" attitude towards sexual and non-sexual harassment in the workplace, and allows employees or other parties to report violations through the reporting email hresg@gongo.com.cn. Those who violate relevant regulations will be subject to internal punishment by the Company, and the units and responsible persons involved should provide explanations on the rectification plan; if damage is caused to the parties, they shall bear the liability for compensation. In addition, the Company regularly provides training to all employees on combating workplace harassment and personal humiliation, clarifying the definition of behavior, response methods, reporting channels, and punishment mechanisms.

The Company implements a salary positioning that is in line with the market level based on leading talent strategies, and continuously corrects the consistency between salary positioning and talent strategy positioning through regular market insights. The wages paid by the Company to employees should comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including laws related to minimum wages, overtime hours, and statutory benefits. We promise that the salary level will not differ due to factors such as gender, race, and age. We regularly conduct "equal pay" evaluations through the analysis of the salary levels of male and female employees, and promote the implementation of improvement measures based on the evaluation results, striving to achieve the "equal pay" salary strategy.

6. Supplementary provisions

The Company will revise this Policy Statement annually based on changes in the laws, relevant international conventions, and factual circumstances of the host country to ensure the effective implementation of this system. The Company has developed monitoring procedures, regularly checked the effectiveness of the Company's management of human rights issues according to this Policy Statement, and formulated human rights related targets every year, and constantly improved the Company's human rights management ability according to the targets.

In addition to our own business operations, the Company will identify potential human rights issues through online or offline audits in the upstream and downstream value chains, as well as in the process of new business expansion (mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures), covering multiple issues such as forced labor, child labor, freedom of association, collective bargaining, equal pay for equal work, and discrimination. This identification is conducted regularly every year or as needed in the early stages of new business expansion and supplier inclusion.

(The English translation of the Policy Statement is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and English translation thereof)



中材國外都希望進行擴張個人反應力,與生產商商保證 長久的、不穩定性、綠色基礎設施性的達成協作內在聯系,保證 與達成協作火伴的堅持性互惠成長 。在此,本新公司及所屬的中小企業需要生產商商在以內二個部分寄予能夠和口頭承諾:
























Supplier Code of Conduct

By expanding our influence, Sinoma International hopes to establish long-term, stable and sustainable cooperative relations with suppliers and achieve sustainable win-win development with partners. Therefore, the Company and its affiliated companies require suppliers to provide support and commitment in the following four aspects:

1. Safety and health

To comply, as a minimum, with all applicable Health & Safety legislation;

To continually improve Health & Safety performance towards best industry practice.

2. People and community

To support and respect the protection of human rights within their areas of influence;

To respect freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining by employees;

To prohibit all forms of modern slavery, including forced labour, bonded labour, compulsory labour and child labour;

To comply with relevant laws and regulations on occupational health and safety, ensure the occupational health and safety of employees, and ensure that their physical and mental health is not affected by the work environment;

To provide employees with good working conditions, including reasonable working hours, salary levels that enable them to maintain their basic livelihood, and welfare benefits that comply with local laws and regulations;

To recruit and select employees based on the principles of equality, fairness, inclusiveness, and respect, and eliminate all forms of discrimination and harassment.

3. Environment and climate change

To comply, as a minimum, with all applicable environmental legislation;

To make efforts to reduce energy consumption, improve energy utilization efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and proactively address climate change issues;

To strive to improve resource utilization efficiency, explore the possibility of waste recycling and reuse, and reduce water resource consumption;

To reduce pollutant emissions and eliminate environmental violations;

To protect land and forest resources, protect natural ecology and biodiversity, and focus on reducing the impact of production and operation on the ecological environment and natural resources.

4. Governance and compliance

To comply with applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations in all countries/regions where business is conducted;

Corruption, criminal instigation, extortion, and corruption in any form are strictly prohibited;

Suppliers shall not directly or indirectly offer, promise, pay, or solicit (through bribery and/or accommodation fees) monetary or other benefits;

To comply with the regulations on competition, antitrust, and trade in the country/region where business is conducted, and any infringement of fair competition agreements, such as commercial activities that violate antitrust laws, is strictly prohibited;

Any significant, actual or potential conflicts of interest during the conduct of business must be reported;

Suppliers must strictly oppose all forms of money laundering activities and take measures to ensure that every economic and financial business can be traced.

(The English translation of the Code is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and English translation thereof)

















Sustainable Supply Chain Management Policy

Sinoma International is committed to building a sustainable supply chain and expanding its sustainable development requirements to business partners, sharing and disseminating sustainable behavior, and gradually establishing a unified sustainable supply chain development value system. Therefore, the Company has developed the Sustainable Supply Chain Management Policy to standardize all aspects of the supply chain and make it meet the Company's sustainable development needs. All levels of affiliated companies of the Company can refer to this Policy to develop sustainable supply chain management policies on their own.

1. Supplier access

The Company uses a due diligence process to evaluate and select suppliers, and conducts risk assessment and admission assessment through a combination of qualitative and quantitative scoring. Among them, suppliers with principled problems, such as those involved in unfair competition, industrial monopoly, corruption, etc., will not be adopted;

The Company focuses on evaluating the performance of suppliers in ESG, especially in terms of environmental governance benefits, employee rights protection, work environment, and management structure, and examines the relevant policies and governance capabilities of enterprise management. Under the same conditions, the Company will prioritize selecting suppliers with excellent ESG management and performance for cooperation;

The evaluation results are publicly disclosed and subject to inspection and complaints from other departments.

2. Supplier classification

Suppliers are categorized as strategic suppliers, main suppliers and general suppliers. Strategic suppliers refer to suppliers whose products are essential to the company's production and only a few such products are available in the market; main suppliers refer to suppliers whose products are fully competitive in the market and whose annual purchasing volume is relatively large; general suppliers refer to suppliers whose products are highly substitutable in the market and whose purchasing volume is relatively small in the business.

3. Supplier management

Every year, the procurement unit or a third-party agency hired by the Company shall conduct sustainability risk assessments on key suppliers in accordance with the Company's Supplier Code of Conduct. For suppliers with high sustainability risks (such as potential labor issues, high energy consumption, integrity issues, etc.), the Company shall develop rectification and improvement plans, and pay attention to their subsequent rectification and improvement actions. For suppliers who fail to rectify in place, the Company reserves the right to suspend and/or revoke business relationships in advance;

In order to better enhance the sustainable development performance of suppliers, the Company regularly organizes sustainable development training for suppliers, such as the latest policies and awareness raising activities, and should cover all key suppliers as much as possible.

4. Procurement personnel training

The Company regularly conducts training on supply chain ESG issues for procurement personnel, including the promotion and implementation of the Company's Sustainable Supply Chain Management Policy and the specific implementation process of sustainable procurement, to enhance the Company's procurement personnel's awareness of sustainable supply chain.

(The English translation of the Code is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and English translation thereof)




中材國.際在解散之初就將情況護理劃入公司企業成長 總體規劃中,在銷售和運營的多方面加強黨性修養減碳證策性,堅持不懈可定期成長 的核心理念,約定不設及破碎環保、危及菌物豐富性的銷售,并積極進取護理和科學性可定期運用菌物豐富性。本公司定期長期保持針對于菌物豐富性護理的角度注意,加載失敗政府證策性和全球倡導,聲明我國外投資人者的利益訴求,履行義務中央企業的市場經濟義務和神圣職責勇于擔當,實現狗與人那自然和睦相互依存的地球表面家苑。










Policy Statement on Biodiversity

Sinoma International has incorporated the concept of environmental protection into corporate development planning since its establishment. The Company has been implementing the low-carbon policy in its operation, adhering to the concept of sustainable development, and promoting green finance business. Sinoma International pledges not to engage in any business that damages ecology and endangers biodiversity and is committed to actively protecting biodiversity in a science-base sustainable way. Sinoma International continues to pay close attention to biodiversity conservation. The company positively responds to the national policies and international calls, answers the queries from domestic and international investors, fulfills the social responsibility and mission as a central enterprise, so as to build a community where human and nature coexist in harmony.

(The English translation of the Policy Statement is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and English translation thereof)

1. Coordinate the implementation of biodiversity strategy

In accordance with the general requirements of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, the Kunming Declaration, and the Opinions on Further Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation issued by the General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Sinoma International and its subsidiaries integrate the biodiversity strategy in their ESG management framework to enhance the biodiversity protection awareness at all the levels, support the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, so as to transform the business towards green and sustainable development.

2. Strengthen risk management for biodiversity

The Company enhances the protection and support for biodiversity and avoids all behaviors that harm biodiversity. The company improves the research and construction of biodiversity risk management, and risk assessment and prevention framework, identifies, prevents and controls related risks in the governance and core business. The company cautiously assesses the impact of potential environmental pollution and possible natural disasters on biodiversity involved in project construction, operation and production, and avoids conducting operational activities in important biodiversity conservation areas around the world or countries.

Guided by the relevant policy guidelines on ecological protection redlines, the Company establishes the concept of ecological protection redlines, respects the Convention on Biological Diversity, and carries out strict verification on the site selection and layout design of factories; during the construction of projects, steps are taken to protect natural habitats, wetlands, forests, wildlife corridors, and agricultural lands. The Company mitigates the adverse impacts on the surrounding environment and communities as much as possible, and pays attention to the conservation of biodiversity such as ecosystems and biological species within the ecological protected areas.

3. Mitigate biodiversity impacts

The Company implements the principle of "Mining While Managing", focuses on the greening and beautification of the mining area and the surrounding environment, so as to achieve the natural integration of industry and surrounding ecology. The Company carries out ecological restoration of the mining area in a timely manner during and after the mining, to reduce the impact of operational activities on biodiversity.

4. Promote biodiversity disclosure and communication cooperation

The Company actively interacts with social groups and media through communication and promotion via multiple channels, to enhance the biodiversity conservation awareness of the Company, suppliers, business partners, and the public. The Company carries out biodiversity-themed education and training for employees and stakeholders to enhance their awareness and knowledge in biodiversity conservation. The Company communicates and cooperates with international institutions in biodiversity to establish the image of Sinoma International as an eco-friendly integrated group.






本集團公司視董事成員會層級日漸多塊大洋變成支持其高于戰略工作目標及達到可不間斷未來發展的關鍵所在原子,因確定股東會互促化方案,而使力于不斷提高商家管護水平。總部追求培養人才唯才為標準化,選擇主客觀標準化思考股東會成員的提名,并顧忌總部的銷售模式,及總是的其他需求等的方面,將互促化的技能等級、職業 與行業領域經驗值、特色文化與教育培訓背靜、少數名族、國藉、售后服務任屆、身份證性別及年輕等越多的方面思考在其中。





Board Diversity Policy

1. Policy Statement

The Company sees increasing diversity at the Board level as an essential element in supporting the attainment of its strategic objectives and its sustainable development. The Company formulates its board diversity policy so as to improve corporate governance. The Company insists on the principle of hiring employees based on their competence, which is selecting members of the Board by objective standards, corporate business model and special needs from time to time and other factors, taking into account multiple factors such as skills, professional and industry experience, cultural and educational background, nationality, the term of service, gender and age.

2. Diversity Perspectives

Selection of candidates will be based on a range of diversity perspectives, including but not limited to skills, professional and industry experience, cultural and educational background, nationality, the term of service, gender and age. Current members of the Board possess different professional backgrounds. Each of them has accumulated rich experience in areas such as building materials, business management, securities regulation, capital operation, accounting rules and corporate finance, providing the Board with diversified perspectives to make decisions, and providing the Company with professional opinions for formulating operation policies.

3. Monitoring and Review

The Nomination Committee considers enhancing diversity on various levels in its process of studying and developing selection criteria for directors, selecting director candidates, and making recommendations for director nominations or appointments/dismissals to the Board of Directors. These diversity factors include but are not limited to gender, age, nationality, cultural and educational background, professional experience, skills, knowledge, industry experience, and geographical representation.

(The English translation of the Policy is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and English translation thereof











Tax Policy Statement

In order to standardize the Company's tax behavior and make investors, regulators and other external stakeholders understand the Company's tax risk profile, the Company has formulated a formal tax policy statement to guide the Company's tax strategy. This policy statement is under the overall supervision of the Board of Directors, jointly formulated by the Board of Directors and relevant senior management, and regularly reviewed and improved to ensure emerging risks are addressed.

Sinoma International Engineering Co., Ltd. promises:

1. To comply with the spirit as well as the letter of the tax laws and regulations in the countries in which the Company operates;

2. Not to use tax structures without commercial substance;

3. To undertake transfer pricing using the arm’s length principle.



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